Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My next book this summer - "Tribes" by Seth Godin

Tribes is a book that after hearing about it for the 4th or 5th time at TLA ( Texas Library Assoication, which is a conference I attend regularly) I decided I must read it.

This book is about leadership but from an unique perspective, the underdog. I have always related to the underdog, probably because I identify myself as a underdog and wear that proudly. Tribes is a call to leadership, and then tells the reader that anyone can lead now as we all have new (Web 2.0) tools that we can use to lead our tribes. You just have to be willing to lead.

Some great quotes from the book "Tribes" are:

"If your goal is to make change, it's foolish to try to change the worldview of the majority if the majority is focused on maintaining the status quo. The opportunity is to carve out a new tribe, to find the rabble-rousers and change lovers who are seeking new leadership and run with then instead." page 110

"By the time you realize that your corner of the world is ready for an innovation, it's almost certainly too late. It's definitely not to early." page 120

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