Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thing 15 Library 2.0

I really liked what Rick Anderson wrote in "Away from the “icebergs”", I believe that it is up to the librarian to take the library to the student. I try very hard to meet my patrons where they are at instead of having the patron conforming to meet me. As such, I try to give a handout at all my demos and on this step-by-step handout for whatever topic I am discussing I also put my contact information, so that if they have a question they don't have to now find my email to get an answer. I am still not to a Web 2.0 technology customer service point but I am trying to get there. Micheal Stephens goes on to write in "Into a new world of librarianship", that we as librarians must be careful of technolost. I agree completely. Each library must ask why are we getting this new piece of equipment because we know that it is something our patrons need or is it something that we would like to try ourselves?

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